Inside Togo

After 8 years at Inside Washington Publishers, I couldn't resist paying homage by naming this after my old publication, Inside EPA. Internet access permitting, I'll use it to provide periodic updates on my new life in Togo with the Peace Corps' girls education program. Disclaimer: The views presented here do not represent the views of the Peace Corps or the U.S. government.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ghana -- Kumasi

This is Kumasi, Ghana's second-biggest city, which has the or one of the biggest open-air markets in Africa. As you can see there are swarms of people and vehicles -- it was one of the most overwhelming places I've been since arriving in Africa, especially when most of Togo is not exactly bustling on this scale.

Outside of the market, the city isn't quite as busy, and has a number of pretty interesting museums about the colonial history of Kumasi and the Ashanti empire, which has its home here.


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