Inside Togo

After 8 years at Inside Washington Publishers, I couldn't resist paying homage by naming this after my old publication, Inside EPA. Internet access permitting, I'll use it to provide periodic updates on my new life in Togo with the Peace Corps' girls education program. Disclaimer: The views presented here do not represent the views of the Peace Corps or the U.S. government.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

More on Transportation

I've probably told some of you about the "nice bus" that runs from my town to the capital of Lome twice a week, which I now schedule my trips to Lome around so I can avoid bush taxis. But even the bus has a Togolese twist, which on my trip this morning included a caged pig in the luggage hold. Which they put my bag on top of -- I'm sure my clothes benefited from 6 hours in a baking compartment along with pig fumes. Here's a picture of the bus station and the pig.


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