Inside Togo

After 8 years at Inside Washington Publishers, I couldn't resist paying homage by naming this after my old publication, Inside EPA. Internet access permitting, I'll use it to provide periodic updates on my new life in Togo with the Peace Corps' girls education program. Disclaimer: The views presented here do not represent the views of the Peace Corps or the U.S. government.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Eagle and the Cobra

The lovely shirt I am wearing is legendary in Peace Corps Togo after it was taken from the back of our safety and security director, Stephen (pictured with me), during an auction held 3 years ago to benefit a girls' scholarship program run by PCVs. I was co-director of the program last year -- having recently handed over the reins at an all-volunteer conference held in mid-March -- and one of my last duties was to participate in this year's auction, where the shirt was again offered. When I won the shirt last year (I bid on it with a coalition of volunteers; I paid about 10 dollars for the privilege of wearing it and it went for a total of over 100 dollars), the PCV auctioning it repeatedly yelled that the shirt pictured a "f***ing eagle eating a f***ing cobra." Well, after that auction I never saw the shirt, but it reappeared at the all-volunteer conference, so I wore it during the entire conference including the night of the auction, where I helped it sell for over 200 dollars this time around by repeating the "f***ing eagle and f***ing" cobra bit (at top volume). A funny aside is that during one day of the conference we held some discussions about PC policy and I led the discussion on our dress code while wearing this shirt (with a completely clashing skirt, tho I'm not sure what would go with this shirt, which, by the way, is made by Sean John).

The other photos are of my friend Tami auctioning off her cleaning services -- note the rubber gloves -- and my friend Joelle, who was one of two volunteers who served as auctioneer. Here she's auctioning a solar shower that ended up going for over 40 dollars. The event is really fun and in total we raised over 1 million CFA (more than 2000 dollars) for the scholarship program.

Joelle in particular was really funny, tho I will still claim bragging rights for helping convince people to pay over 200 dollars for Stephen's shirt -- the highest-priced item by far (the next highest was dinner at the country director's house, for about 150 dollars. She's to Joelle's left, by the way, in the green).


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