Inside Togo

After 8 years at Inside Washington Publishers, I couldn't resist paying homage by naming this after my old publication, Inside EPA. Internet access permitting, I'll use it to provide periodic updates on my new life in Togo with the Peace Corps' girls education program. Disclaimer: The views presented here do not represent the views of the Peace Corps or the U.S. government.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Village scenes

These are pictures of a small village in the hills surrounding Kpalime, one of Togo's bigger cities and the area that attracts the most tourists. I don't recall the name of the village, hence the pretentious 'village scenes' title of this post. But the pictures are pretty representative of what small Togolese villages look like. The leaves in the first photo are drying and will be used to make woven mats for sleeping. The thatched hut in the background is the kitchen.


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