
Miraculously, after about 10 tries, I figured out how to load my photos (Apparently I had to go into edit html, and not compose, for those of you who have a blog on That may be common sense but, as evidenced by the fact that I didn't get a cell phone until I came to Togo, technology is not my bailiwick). So at least the blog will serve some purpose other than gathering dust, since I've been an unmotivated writer. It's only accepting one photo per post so I'll run a string and will try to post more later.
Here's a photo of the beach in Lome, Togo's capital (That required a search -- I always thought it was capitol, but apparently that specifically refers to the building in DC). The fishermen are pulling their boat (which you can't see) in from the ocean. There's a little bar/restaurant here where PC volunteers hang out to enjoy the view, which is where I took the photo from.